Play Full Memories of Murder in HD Video
Now you can watch full Memories of Murder in top quality with duration 129 Min and has been aired on 2003-04-24 and MPAA rating is 54.- Original Title : 살인의 추억
- Movie title in your country : Memories of Murder
- Year of movie : 2003
- Genres of movie : Crime, Drama, Thriller,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2003-04-24
- Companies of movie : Sidus Pictures, CJ Entertainment, Muhan Investment,
- Countries of movie : North Korea,
- Language of movie : 한국어/조선말, English,
- Durationof movie : 129 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.2
- Youtube ID of movie : pLEFn55bpR0
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,IT,TR,FR,ES,PT,SV,ZH,TH,RU,KO,HU,
- Cast of movie :Song Kang-ho (Detective Park Doo-man), Sang-kyung Kim (Detective Seo Tae-yoon), Kim Roe-Ha (Detective Cho Yong-koo), Jae-ho Song (Sergeant Shin Dong-chul), Park Hae-Il (Park Hyeon-gyu), Byeon Hie-bong (Sergeant Koo Hee-bong), Seo-hie Ko (Officer Kwon Kwi-ok), No-shik Park (Baek Kwang-ho), Choi Jong-ryol (Doo-man's father)
Movie synopsis of Memories of Murder :
Release Memories of Murder in HD Quality with movie summary "1986 Gyunggi Province. The body of a young woman is found brutally raped and murdered. Two months later, a series of rapes and murders commences under similar circumstances. And in a country that had never known such crimes, the dark whispers about a serial murderer grow louder. A special task force is set up in the area, with two local detectives Park Doo-Man and Jo Young-Goo joined by a detective from Seoul who requested to be assigned to the case." in best video format. Release Memories of Murder in HD Quality by viewing the download link.
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Screenplay : Kwang-rim Kim, Screenplay : Sung Bo Shim, Producer : Seoung-Jae Cha, Producer : Moo Ryung Kim, Executive Producer : Kang-bok Lee, Producer : Jong-yun No, Original Music Composer : Tarô Iwashiro, Editor : Sun-min Kim, Director : Bong Joon-ho , Director of Photography : Hyung-ku Kim, Writer : Bong Joon-ho
Sure, now you can watch movie of Memories of Murder fully length and find the connection to this flick Memories of Murder in best look.
Tags: corruption, rape, detective, assassin, evidence, victim, investigation, police, murder, korea, true, torture, crime, brutality, killer, serial, suspects,
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