Watch Full The Manchurian Candidate in HD Format
Now you can see The Manchurian Candidate in HD video with duration 129 Min and was published in 2004-07-30 with MPAA rating is 97.- Original Title : The Manchurian Candidate
- Movie title in your country : The Manchurian Candidate
- Year of movie : 2004
- Genres of movie : Drama, Thriller, Mystery,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2004-07-30
- Companies of movie : Paramount Pictures, Scott Rudin Productions, Clinica Estetico,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 129 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.2
- Youtube ID of movie : kR8WYO9Lj9g
- Translation of movie : EN,IT,TR,DE,FR,ES,PT,RU,FI,SV,HU,ZH,CS,NL,DA,HE,
- Cast of movie :Denzel Washington (Major Bennett Ezekiel Marco), Meryl Streep (Senator Eleanor Prentiss Shaw (D-VA)), Liev Schreiber (Congressman Raymond Prentiss Shaw (D-NY)), Jon Voight (Senator Thomas Jordan (D-CT)), Kimberly Elise (FBI Ag. Eugenie Rose), Vera Farmiga (Jocelyne Jordan), Jeffrey Wright (CPL Al Melvin), Simon McBurney (Dr. Atticus Noyle), Bruno Ganz (Delp), Ann Dowd (Congresswoman Beckett), Ted Levine (Colonel Howard), Miguel Ferrer (Colonel Garret), Dean Stockwell (Mark Whiting), Charles Napier (General Sloan), Jude Ciccolella (David Donovan), Tom Stechschulte (Governor Robert "Bob" Arthur), Pablo Schreiber (PFC Eddie Ingram), Anthony Mackie (PFC Robert Baker III), Robyn Hitchcock (Laurent Tokar), Obba Babatunde (Senator Wells), Ċ½eljko Ivanek (Vaughn Utly), Adam LeFevre (Congressman Healy), Jose Pablo Cantillo (Villalobos), David Keeley (Agent Evan Anderson)
Movie plot of The Manchurian Candidate :
Full Length of The Manchurian Candidate in HD Format with movie plot "When his army unit was ambushed during the first Gulf War, Sergeant Raymond Shaw saved his fellow soldiers just as his commanding officer, then-Captain Ben Marco, was knocked unconscious. Brokering the incident for political capital, Shaw eventually becomes a vice-presidential nominee, while Marco is haunted by dreams of what happened -- or didn't happen -- in Kuwait. As Marco (now a Major) investigates, the story begins to unravel, to the point where he questions if it happened at all. Is it possible the entire unit was kidnapped and brainwashed to believe Shaw is a war hero as part of a plot to seize the White House? Some very powerful people at Manchurian Global corporation appear desperate to stop him from finding out." in HD format. Free The Manchurian Candidate in Best Video Format by push of the button above.
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Director : Jonathan Demme, Novel : Richard Condon, Screenplay : Daniel Pyne, Screenplay : Dean Georgaris, Executive Producer : Scott Aversano, Producer : Jonathan Demme, Producer : Ilona Herzberg, Associate Producer : Peter Kohn, Associate Producer : Polly Mallinson, Producer : Scott Rudin, Producer : Tina Sinatra, Original Music Composer : Rachel Portman, Director of Photography : Tak Fujimoto, Editor : Carol Littleton, Editor : Craig McKay, Casting : Kathleen Chopin, Casting : Laura Rosenthal
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Tags: senator, gulf war, canoe, kuwait, conspiracy, war hero, u.s. congress, implant,
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