Play Full Shelter in High Quality
Now you can enjoy Shelter in HD format with duration 112 Min and has been launched in 2010-04-08 with MPAA rating is 54.- Original Title : Shelter
- Movie title in your country : Shelter
- Year of movie : 2010
- Genres of movie : Horror, Mystery, Thriller,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2010-04-08
- Companies of movie : NALA Films, IM Global, Maraci/Edelstein Films, Shelter Productions,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 112 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.4
- Youtube ID of movie : dwPz6AtBXnY
- Translation of movie : EN,VI,EN,DE,ZH,RU,RU,FR,PT,IT,TR,FI,DA,PL,ES,SV,CS,HU,HE,KO,NL,
- Cast of movie :Julianne Moore (Cara Harding), Jonathan Rhys Meyers (David / Adam / Wesley), Jeffrey DeMunn (Dr. Harding), Frances Conroy (Mrs. Bernburg), Nate Corddry (Stephen Harding (as Nate Corddry)), Brooklynn Proulx (Sammy), Brian Anthony Wilson (Virgil), Joyce Feurring (Granny Holler Witch), Steven Rishard (Detective Danton), Charles Techman (Montgomery Hughes), John Peakes (Doctor Charles Foster), Michale Graves (Holler Man), Chaz Moneypenny (Adam Sabre - Host), Charles David Richards (Holiday Inn Bar Keep (as Charles D. Richards)), Rick Applegate (Warden Collins), William Kania (Grave Digger), Stephanie Macdougall (Diner patron), David Dale McCue (Prison Guard), Giovanna Yannotti (Lawyer), Irene Ziegler (Doll Shopkeeper)
Movie summary of Shelter :
Play full Shelter in HD Format with movie summary "A female forensic psychiatrist discovers that all of one of her patient's multiple personalities are murder victims. She will have to find out what's happening before her time is finished." in best video format. Watch full Shelter in High Quality Video by push of the download link.
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Casting : Diane Heery, Casting : Jason Loftus, Producer : Emilio Diez Barroso, Producer : Neal Edelstein, Producer : Darlene Caamano Loquet, Producer : Mike Macari, Costume Design : Luca Mosca, Production Design : Tim Galvin, Art Direction : Jesse Rosenthal, Set Decoration : Jesse Rosenthal, Director : Björn Stein, Director : Måns Mårlind, Screenplay : Michael Cooney, Director of Photography : Linus Sandgren, Original Music Composer : John Frizzell, Editor : Steve Mirkovich, Other : Luke Asa Guidici
Yes, now you can view movie associated with Shelter fully length and have the connect to this motion picture Shelter in HD video.
Tags: soul, faith, supernatural, murder, fear, psychiatrist, surgery, catholicism, multiple personality, flashback,
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