Full Streaming L.A. Confidential in High Definition Format
Now you can download full L.A. Confidential in HD video with duration 138 Min and was released on 1997-09-19 and MPAA rating is 399.- Original Title : L.A. Confidential
- Movie title in your country : L.A. Confidential
- Year of movie : 1997
- Genres of movie : Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1997-09-19
- Companies of movie : Regency Enterprises, Wolper Organization, Warner Bros.,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 138 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.2
- Youtube ID of movie : gg0VF_EnFI4
- Translation of movie : EN,FR,DE,HU,IT,ZH,FI,FI,NL,RU,CS,SV,ES,PL,PT,TR,BG,SR,DA,EL,RO,
- Cast of movie :Kevin Spacey (Det. Sgt. Jack Vincennes), Guy Pearce (Det. Lt. Edmund Jennings " Ed " Exley), Danny DeVito (Sid Hudgens), James Cromwell (Cap. Dudley Liam Smith), Kim Basinger (Lynn Bracken), Russell Crowe (Bud White), David Strathairn (Pierce Patchett), Ron Rifkin (D.A. Ellis Loew), Matt McCoy ('Badge of Honor' Star Brett Chase), Paul Guilfoyle (Mickey Cohen), Paolo Seganti (Johnny Stompanato), Elisabeth Granli (Mickey Cohen's Mambo Partner), Sandra Taylor (Mickey Cohen's Mambo Partner), Steve Rankin (Officer Arresting Mickey Cohen), Graham Beckel (Dick Stensland), Simon Baker (Matt Reynolds)
Movie summary of L.A. Confidential :
Watch full L.A. Confidential in HD Quality with movie plot "Three detectives in the corrupt and brutal L.A. police force of the 1950s use differing methods to uncover a conspiracy behind the shotgun slayings of the patrons at an all-night diner in this lush tribute to tough film noir crime films. Based on the multi-layered James Ellroy novel." in top video format. Best L.A. Confidential in Best Video Format by clicking the button above.
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Director : Curtis Hanson, Author : James Ellroy, Screenplay : Brian Helgeland, Screenplay : Curtis Hanson, Producer : Curtis Hanson, Original Music Composer : Jerry Goldsmith, Director of Photography : Dante Spinotti, Editor : Peter Honess, Casting : Mali Finn, Set Designer : Jeannine Oppewall, Art Direction : William Arnold, Set Decoration : Jay Hart, Producer : Michael G. Nathanson, Producer : Arnon Milchan, Costume Design : Ruth Myers, Co-Producer : Brian Helgeland, Executive Producer : Dan Kolsrud, Executive Producer : David L. Wolper
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