Free Disturbia in Best Look
Now you can download full Disturbia in HD quality with duration 105 Min and has been launched in 2007-04-13 and MPAA rating is 268.- Original Title : Disturbia
- Movie title in your country : Disturbia
- Year of movie : 2007
- Genres of movie : Thriller, Drama, Mystery,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2007-04-13
- Companies of movie : Paramount Pictures, DreamWorks SKG, Cold Spring Pictures, Montecito Picture Company, The,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English, EspaƱol,
- Durationof movie : 105 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.5
- Youtube ID of movie : 0XDdo6a_UZA
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,RU,IT,ZH,TR,FR,NL,PT,PT,HU,ES,ES,SV,DA,HE,NO,PL,CS,
- Actors of movie :Shia LaBeouf (Kale Brecht), Sarah Roemer (Ashley Carlson), Carrie-Anne Moss (Julie Brecht), David Morse (Robert Turner), Aaron Yoo (Ronnie), Jose Pablo Cantillo (Officer Gutierrez), Matt Craven (Daniel Brecht), Viola Davis (Detective Parker), Brandon Caruso (Greenwood Boy), Luciano Rauso (Greenwood Boy), Daniel Caruso (Greenwood Boy), Elyse Mirto (Mrs. Carlson), Kevin Quinn (Mr. Carlson), Suzanne Rico (News Anchor), Kent Shocknek (News Anchor)
Movie summary of Disturbia :
Full Disturbia in HD Quality with movie plot "Kale is a 17-year-old placed under house arrest after punching his teacher. He is confined to his house, and decides to use his free time spying on his neighbors. Things start to get weird when guests enter the Turner's house and don't come back out. Kale and his friends, Ronnie and Ashley, start to grow more and more interested in what is actually happening within the house of Robert Turner." in best look. Download full Disturbia in Best Quality by push of the download link.
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Director : D.J. Caruso, Screenplay : Christopher B. Landon, Screenplay : Carl Ellsworth, Producer : Jackie Marcus Schaffer, Producer : Kwame Parker, Producer : Tom Pollock, Executive Producer : Ivan Reitman, Producer : E. Bennett Walsh, Music : Geoff Zanelli, Director of Photography : Rogier Stoffers, Editor : Jim Page, Producer : Joe Medjuck
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Tags: young people, kidnapping and murder,
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