Best Saw IV in Best Quality
Now you can see Saw IV in best video format with duration 93 Min and was published in 2007-10-25 with MPAA rating is 215.- Original Title : Saw IV
- Movie title in your country : Saw IV
- Year of movie : 2007
- Genres of movie : Horror, Thriller, Crime,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2007-10-25
- Companies of movie : Lions Gate Films, Twisted Pictures,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 93 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.8
- Youtube ID of movie : XPUDBheowdc
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,FR,FI,TR,IT,HU,RU,NL,PT,ZH,SV,NO,HE,DA,ES,SR,CS,EL,PL,UK,
- Cast of movie :Tobin Bell (Jigsaw/John), Scott Patterson (Agent Strahm), Betsy Russell (Jill), Costas Mandylor (Hoffman), Lyriq Bent (Rigg), Louis Ferreira (Art), Athena Karkanis (Agent Perez), Simon Reynolds (Lamanna), Mike Realba (Fisk), Marty Adams (Ivan), Sarain Boylan (Brenda), Billy Otis (Cecill), Niamh Wilson (Corbett), Julian Richings (Vagrant), Joanne Boland (Crime Scene Photographer), Donnie Wahlberg (Eric Matthews), Shawnee Smith (Amanda Young)
Movie plot of Saw IV :
Play full Saw IV in High Quality Video with movie summary "Jigsaw and his apprentice Amanda are dead. Now, upon the news of Detective Kerry's murder, two seasoned FBI profilers, Agent Strahm and Agent Perez, arrive in the terrified community to assist the veteran Detective Hoffman in sifting through Jigsaw's latest grisly remains and piecing together the puzzle. However, when SWAT Commander Rigg is abducted and thrust into a game, the last officer untouched by Jigsaw has but ninety minutes to overcome a series of demented traps and save an old friend...or face the deadly consequences." in HD format. Play full Saw IV in HD Quality by clicking the button above.
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Casting : Stephanie Gorin, Production Design : David Hackl, Art Direction : Anthony Ianni, Set Decoration : Liesl Deslauriers, Director : Darren Lynn Bousman, Screenplay : Patrick Melton, Screenplay : Marcus Dunstan, Producer : Oren Koules, Producer : Mark Burg, Executive Producer : Daniel J. Heffner, Executive Producer : James Wan, Executive Producer : Stacey Testro, Executive Producer : Peter Block, Executive Producer : Jason Constantine, Director of Photography : David A. Armstrong, Editor : Brett Sullivan, Original Music Composer : Charlie Clouser, Costume Design : Alex Kavanagh, Producer : Gregg Hoffman, Editor : Kevin Greutert, Executive Producer : Leigh Whannell
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